Everything Is Going To Be Alright

Everything is going to be alright! I sometimes feel like I have nine lives—seven to go, as I've used up two already. The first was when Tommy was born, and the second when I had my face plant. Life is incredibly precious, and I’ve always been thankful and grateful for the life I’m living. I remember when I was pregnant with Tommy, thinking to myself, “I’m thirty-eight years old, which means I only have 42 more years until I’m 80.” It dawned on me that I had already lived half of my prime years. But I quickly learned that you never know what tomorrow brings, so live each day as if it’s your last.

After my face plant, I did a lot of soul searching. I asked myself this question:

How do I want to live my life and be remembered?

  • As the best wife and mother to our kids, always there for them.

  • Sick with heart disease.

  • Depressed, lying on the couch, always complaining about life.

  • Living every day to the fullest, being thankful and grateful.

  • Looking older than my age because I’m not taking care of myself.

  • Helping people.

  • None of the Above.

  • All of the Above.

Answer: 1, 4, 6.

Live, Love, Life... I want people to be aware that heart disease is the number one killer of women.