How to Thrive with Heart Disease
I find myself on a mission to excite and empower you to be happy and be healthy living with heart disease. And help loved ones understand what it is like living with heart disease. I believe having support and education are a key part to managing heart disease. I am passionate to share what I have learned on my personal journey to help you with your heart journey, we can do this together.
Love Your Heart Life shares many thoughts, ideas, resources and more to help you on your journey. Heart disease is overwhelming. Seven years ago, I was in a different emotional and physical place than I am today. I want you to be in a good place too. I believe focusing on yourself and bringing simplicity to your life makes life easier and less stressful.
I want everyone living with heart disease to be happy and be your best! Come join me on my journey living with heart disease. We can do this together.
My story living with Heart Disease.
I am sharing my story in the hopes of bringing heart health awareness about the number one killer in the world…Heart Disease.
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